Asian Journal of Paleopathology Vol.6, 49–52, 2024
受付日:2024 年1 月3 日
受理日:2024 年2 月16 日
DOI: 10.32247/ajp2024.6.09
資料報告 Material Report
高校生物の人類進化分野における古人類頭蓋骨3D プリンタ印刷モデルの活用例
Application of 3D printed cranial models in promotion of anthropology for high schools in Japan
矢野 航
Wataru Yano
プリンタ技術の活用を進めている。ケニア国立博物館が資料提供するAfrican のデータを使い,3D プリンタで印刷可能な5 つ古人類頭蓋骨データのデータベースを構築してきた。3D
モデルを使った実践的な教育活動を通じて,生徒たちの人類進化に対する理解を深めるアウトリーチ活動を実践している。本手法が普及すれば,高校生物教育において人類進化教育を強化するとともに,さらなる3D プリント技術の教育への応用可能性を示せると考えられる。
This study aims to demonstrate the author's project to use a new 3D printing technique for high school biology teaching in Japan, focusing on importance of human evolution. The Japanese Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science Technology emphasizes importance of teaching evolution, and a major textbook include comparative experiments of brain volume using human and primates crania
to understand their skull differences to grasp evolution and adaptation intuitively. However, there are challenges in which few teachers have studied anthropology, and skull specimens for
teaching are not available. The study suggests employment of 3D printing technology as a solution. This technology can generate copies of 3D models with detailed inner cranial space with low
cost. “”, a project of the Kenya National Museum establishes a database of 3D skull data from paleoanthropology site which can be freely downloaded and printed. Printed 3D
models provide students opportunity to learn about human evolution intuitively. The study also demonstrates how these 3D models can be used in school classes to deepen students' understanding of
human evolution teaching complex topics like human evolution.
Key words: Anthropology, cranium, high school education, cranial capacity, human evolution