Asian Journal of Paleopathology Vol.6, 43–47, 2024
投稿日:2024 年3 月12 日
受理日:2024 年3 月26 日
DOI: 10.32247/ajp2024.6.08
資料報告 Material Report
Learning kit of human evolution for public outreach of physical anthropology
松村秋芳,矢野 航,近藤 修
Akiyoshi Matsumura, Wataru Yano, Osamu Kondo
As a part of our anthropological outreach activities, we have introduced loanable specimen kits on several practical topics and used them at exhibitions and in classes for anthropological
education. Among the process, the 'Human Phylogenetic Evolution Study Kit' is considered useful not only for understanding the process of human evolution in tandem with the contents of high
school 'Biology' textbooks, but also as a teaching tool for understanding bioethics and developing the ability to explore. In the future, the kit could be more instrumental by improving its
structure and accompanying explanations. Specifically, the contents of the explanations as teaching materials need to deal with frequently asked questions from students, and the contents should
be consistent with the high school subjects 'Biology' as well as 'Advanced World History' and 'Earth Science', which touch on human evolution, in order to deepen the comprehensive understanding.
Incorporation of estimation of brain mass can be incorporated for the future.
Key words: Outreach activities, human evolution and phylogeny, fossil skulls, loaned specimens, biological education