Asian Journal of Paleopathology Vol.5, 1–7, 2023
Received: January 5, 2023
Accepted: January 31, 2023
DOI: 10.32247/ajp2023.5.1
21st century paleopathology: Integrating theoretical models with biomedical advances
Jane E. Buikstra, Elizabeth W. Uhl
The study of pathological changes in ancient animal (including human) tissues extends across the centuries, beginning with speculations about beings who populated imagined worlds. As
the field of paleopathology has matured, the integration of biomedical sciences with theoretical models continues, frequently supported by methodological advances. Here we propose a 21" century
paleopathology that integrates phylogenetic models about the global history of disease derived from archaeological, historical, and genomics of contemporary pathogens with the targeted use of
archaeogenomics. Case studies are drawn from tuberculosis, the morbilliviruses, and glanders. We also consider more broadly the impact of domestication upon disease spillovers, with particular
emphasis upon chickens and pigs. A discussion of the probable impacts of animal management on animal (including human) health in the production of animal mummies in ancient Egypt closes the
Key words
ONE Paleopathology, tuberculosis, morbilliviruses, glanders, domestication, mummification